
Is Charity a Part of Corporate Social Responsibility?

When social change and community services are needed, the non-profit sector is usually the first go-to. However, as organizations’ business practices become more transparent, consumers look to corporate leaders to provide more than just goods and economic benefits. 

CEO of Bian Capital, Daniel Yomtobian, Discusses Balance and Success

“I love how fast paced the industry is that I’m in.  How it changes so quickly and how if you don’t adapt, you are gone.  It’s exciting to work under that kind of pressure.  It pushes me to try harder and I’ve learned to work well under pressure.”

What Philanthropy is and How to Become a Philanthropist

Focusing on the “love of humanity,” in the simplest terms, refers to philanthropy. In this way, a person can nourish his or her human potential, focusing on the quality of life within a scientific-social environment. The term has a long history, stemming back to the Greek playwright Aeschylus, where origins lie in the fifth century BCE.

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Daniel Yomtobian is the Subject of a New Interview

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / May 25, 2021 / It is with great pride and pleasure that entrepreneur and CEO of Bian Capital announces that he is the subject of a new in-depth interview. The interview, which was conducted on behalf of an online periodical aimed at business people and entrepreneurs, was published on February 1, 2021.

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Artificial Intelligence In Marketing: Daniel Yomtobian Explains How It Is Shaping The Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) often stereotypes self-learning programs into robots for innovation’s sake. Creating these robots for manufacturing, human assistance, and other tasks that need automation is the easily understood artificial intelligence side.

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The Rise Of Smartphones: Daniel Yomtobian Discusses Its Impact In Marketing And Advertising

The advent of smartphones changed how we interact online. What once was the throne of desktop computers and laptops, smartphones now claim the top spot for accessing digital media. 

IdeaMensch Interview with the CEO of Bian Capital

“Growing up, I was underprivileged. I didn’t have a lot of opportunities. I see how people that are in compromised positions don’t have a lot of options. Now that I’ve been able to be successful independently, I want to help others. I really look for specific charities that resonate with me and that have a really positive cause. They can help others. That’s why I support them.”

Bian Capital CEO Daniel Yomtobian Launches Professional Website

Successful entrepreneur Daniel Yomtobian is pleased to announce the launch of his brand-new personal website. The website chronicles Daniel Yomtobian’s impressive life and career and provides links to published articles he has been featured in.

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How to Build a Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or are just launching your business, you’ll find yourself funneling most of your resources and energy into your company and building it up. However, a large part of what makes a business successful is how you help others and give back to your community.

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4 Benefits of Giving Back to the Local Community

As a business owner, investing in your community is a great way to give back to those who may have helped support your mission. Local volunteer groups or non-profit organizations give a lot of help to the communities they’re a part of, but it can’t be done without the help of others.

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Daniel Yomtobian Explores the Pros and Cons of Investing in New Technology

New technology can be an excellent addition to any investor’s portfolio. Biotech, Blockchain, advanced computing, robotics, and AI are just a few of the areas where investors can share in growing industries’ profits.

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Why Philanthropy Can Give Your Business a Competitive Advantage

It has long been known that companies that give back to the community are more successful than those who keep their profits for themselves. Many factors go into fostering the financial growth of your company, and a robust and generous philanthropy program is only one of them.

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Daniel Yomtobian is Profiled By An Online Periodical

When a journalist approached the CEO of Bian Capital, Daniel Yomtobian, about conducting an in-depth interview on behalf of an online periodical that focuses on matters of health and wellness, he agreed readily, eager to share the insights he has accrued from his wealth of professional experience.